The National Cancer Appeal
Brought to you by Dry July Foundation
Donate to help fund 40+ projects across Australia that provide support, comfort and care to people affected by cancer.
Appeal ends in…
The National Cancer Appeal
Brought to you by Dry July Foundation
There are over one million people alive in Australia who are currently living with or have lived with cancer, with 169,000 people expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2024 (Australian Cancer Plan).
We've seen the challenges that the growth in cancer patients has had on the cancer support organisations we partner with. We’re committing a further $250,000 to help, but WE NEED YOU to match it to ensure they can keep delivering these important projects for Aussies affected by cancer.
Donate to the National Cancer Appeal TODAY and help fund over 40 projects like the examples below at over 35+ regional and national cancer support organisations across Australia.
Core programs that will be funded
Cancer Council
13 11 20 Information and Support Service
Cancer Council's 13 11 20 Cancer Information and Support Service is national, free and confidential to support cancer patients and family members, carers or friends impacted by a cancer diagnosis.
Approximately 32,000 people access the service each year. With your help, funds from the National Cancer Appeal will ensure that this vital service continues to be able to be accessed by all Australians affected by cancer.
Bowel Cancer Australia
Bowel Care Nurse
Bowel cancer is the third most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 15,531 Australians told they have bowel cancer each year (299 a week).
Bowel Care Nurses are crucial in providing specialist, holistic care and act as key coordinators in managing a patient's needs and preferences.
With your help, funds from the National Cancer Appeal will help a new part-time nurse in Dubbo, supporting around 100 cancer patients each year.
Ovarian Cancer Australia
Psychological and Emotional Support Services
The psychological and emotional impact of an ovarian cancer diagnosis is profound and lifelong. Ovarian cancer is the most common cause of gynaecological cancer death in Australia, with a 5-year survival rate of 49%.
With your help, funds from the National Cancer Appeal will ensure that women affected by ovarian cancer have access to the specialist psychological and emotional support services they deserve.
Mummy’s Wish
Support Coordinator and Care Packs
When a mum is diagnosed with cancer, a family’s life can be turned upside down.
Mummy’s Wish is there to support mums with cancer, providing care packs, voice-recordable comfort bears, educational books, counselling and financial support to help to manage the distressing burden of cancer on mums and their families.
With your help, funds from the National Cancer Appeal will give the gift of time to mums with cancer so they can focus on what’s most important - being a mum.
Princess Alexandra Hospital
First Nations Cancer Nurse Navigator
First Nations Australians are currently 14% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer and it is also their leading broad cause of death.
By providing culturally appropriate cancer care Nurse Navigators can play a crucial role in improving outcomes and saving lives.
With your support of our National Cancer Appeal we can ensure the inaugural First Nations Cancer Nurse Navigator at Brisbane’s PA Hospital can continue to make a difference for years to come.
Olivia Newton-John Cancer And Wellness Centre
Oncology Massage Service
Services such as massage are recommended for alleviating common symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, nausea, hot flashes, and sleep disorders.
The significance of offering oncology massage for some patients means that they can finish their course of treatment, as their anxiety can be managed through massage.
With your help, funds from the National Cancer Appeal will enable another 500+ massage sessions for Victoria's cancer patients.
Where will the money go?
The funds raised from the National Cancer Appeal will provide invaluable services to cancer patients, their families and carers – whether it’s a life saving appointment, guidance from a specialist connection to an informative voice, access to therapy programs or a bed close to treatment.
Everything we fund benefits the cancer patients, their families, and carers. We aim to make a difficult time a little easier for people affected by cancer.
Funds from the National Cancer Appeal will help fund over 40+ projects at the 35+ regional and national cancer treatment and support organisations we partner with across Australia. To learn more about these organisations and their programs and services.
Every dollar will make a difference
Donate to the National Cancer Appeal TODAY and help fund 40+ projects across Australia that provide support, comfort and care to people affected by cancer.
Make a donation today
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